Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Models of Teaching - 3424 Words

Models of Teaching Summary Information-processing models emphasize ways of enhancing the human being ¡Ã‚ ¦s innate drive to make sense of the world by acquiring and organizing data, sensing problems, and generating solutions to them, and developing concepts and language for conveying them. The book discussed eight different information-processing models which include: Inductive thinking, Concept attainment, The Picture-Word Inductive Model, Scientific inquiry, Inquiry training, Mnemonics, Synectics, and Advance organizers. The inductive thinking yields the ability to analyze information and create concepts which is generally regarded as the fundamental thinking skill. This model has been used in a wide variety of curriculum areas and with†¦show more content†¦Teachers can use mnemonics to guide their presentations of material and they can teach devices that students can use to enhance their individual and cooperative study of information and concepts. Synectics was developed for use with creative groups in industrial settings. Synectics is designed to help people break set in problem-solving and writing activities and to gain new perspectives on topics of a wide range of fields. Although designed as a direct stimulus to creative thought, synetics has the side effect of promoting collaborative work and study skills and a feeling of camaraderie among the students. The synectics model has stimulated the students to see and feel the original idea in a variety of fresh ways. The advance organizer model is based on the work of David Ausubel. He addressed learning academic subject matter by directly confronting the problem and arguing that (1) learning verbal information matters and (2) it can be improved through better methods of presenation (reading, teacher talk). Ausubel wrote in The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning (1963) that learning verbal information required strong cognitive structures ¡X ¡Ã‚ §knowledge of a particular subject at any given time and how well organized, clear, and stable their knowledge is ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Joyce and Weil, Models of Teaching, 1996, p. 267). The biggest single factor in learning anything new is whether it will be meaningful or notShow MoreRelatedBest Practice : Teaching : Family Model1932 Words   |  8 Pages Best Practice: Teaching – Family Model University of Arkansas Stephanie Clark Methodist Family Health Counseling Clinic is an organization that provides healthcare services focused on various emotional and behavioral challenges individuals and families can face. Methodist provides many different services all over Arkansas that range from inpatient to school-base services. 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