Friday, February 28, 2020

How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers Research Paper - 1

How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the acquisition of global leadership is being considered as a salient feature in business success both at the national and international levels and private and public sectors. 1. Discussing the Responsible Party for Producing Global Leaders The human resources (HR) department is the party with the responsibility to produce global leaders. This is because, it is the HR department that can and should plan, designate, train and also provide compensation plans for engagements with international personnel. The HR department can also make arrangements to have an organisation be able to handle global differences among countries which affect organisational decisions. Apart from extending its recruitment drives to an international market, it is also true that it is the HR department which can persuade a rigid and conservative management into accepting recruitment drives to be made a multinational affair. 2. The Possible Ramifications of Not Having Global Leaders The failure to have global leaders within an organisation is likely to inhibit the organisation’s chances for broadening its opportunities to an international level. This is because the presence of global leaders will help the HR department and managers understand the principles and practices that prevail in the global markets. At the same time, the absence of global leaders in an organisation will not help the locals in a foreign market identify with the organization. This is because, organizations which have their rank and file coming from the mother country are almost always deemed as foreign corporate entities. This is to the effect that if an organisation fails to mingle its personnel with people from different races, religion or country, then the same organisation is likely to carry state-specific stigma. This may inhibit the speed and ease with which the organisation is to penetrate the market and get legally registered. Again, the same failure and subsequent stigma will help cripple the organisation’s volume of sales and stunt its market share (Griffiths, 137). 3. Roche’s Perspectives Program Based on the O’Toole chapter on public policy, the possible changes that can be made in the U.S. to encourage companies to become global leaders must include and take cognisance of the Perspectives Global Accelerated Talent Development Programme (PGATDP). This will portend, the targeting of individuals who are passionate about bringing significant contributions to their industry, but are still at a nascent stage of career development. This will also elicit the need for the factoring and use of experiential learning and development on these talented young professionals. At the same time, the US government and American businesses should work closely to craft new, more effective and broader global networks. Similarly, there should be the rejuvenation of employee exchange and transfer programmes, with emphasis being placed on the aforementione d young employees. This will help these young employees to build broader global networks, experience different areas of entrepreneurship, gain experience on how to manage different networks and accrue skills that will be needful for the advancement of one’s career. The US government can then in turn take to extend business incentives to organisations that practice the PGATDP programme (Griffiths, 137). It may also be imperative for the US government to expand its education, training and community development

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Discuss critically the idea of popular art in Africa Essay

Discuss critically the idea of popular art in Africa - Essay Example among artists who had come through the Fine Art departments of West African universities, and who sometimes began to write or speak as if we should thus omit these forms of practice from consideration as ‘art.’ Susan Vogel’s 1991 Africa Explores was criticised in precisely this way, for placing artists who were in some sense part of an international art world in the same space with sign painters. Indeed, one might have all sorts of reasons for being critical of it, but one achievement of Africa Explores was to show that the diverse forms comprising the category ‘popular’ had little or nothing in common, other than their location in a largely urban environment; and yet, in practice, printmaking, sign painting, photography, masquerade, textile design, etc, may well subsist as parts of a common set of visual environments; and yet, while possibly functionally inter-related within local art worlds at some level ,for example one medium as source material fo r another, each will have its own developmental trajectory. In this essay I will discuss the idea of ‘popular’ art in Africa. I will first focus on popular arts in West Africa then I will move onto the popular arts in Central Africa. Following this, I will discuss Primitivism and the Magiciens De La Terre event in 1989 and lastly, conclude that popular art are also much more than constellations of social, political, and economic relationships — they are expressive acts. Their most important attribute is their power to communicate. African art takes many forms and is made from many different materials. Jewellery is a popular art form and is used to indicate rank, affiliation with a group, or purely for aesthetics. African jewellery is made from such diverse materials as Tigers eye stone, haematite, sisal, coconut shell, beads and ebony wood. Sculptures can be wooden, ceramic or carved out of stone like the famous Shona sculptures and decorated or sculpted pottery comes from many regions. Various forms